The maintenance of the electronic and pneumatic instrumentation such as:
  • control valves
  • block valves
  • on-off valves
  • transmitters - pressure, capacity, temperature, level, analysis (conductivity, PH, UV, density, etc.)
  • regulators
  • indicators
  • recorders
  • converters

it is carried out by our skilled personnel in our equipped workshop or directly at the Customer’s through the building of an instrumental laboratory. The master of the certificates can be furnished by our technical office (with the relative operational instructions) or by the Customer. Our specimen of instrumentation is periodically gauged and equipped by updated certificates issued by qualified SIT centers.

manutenzione elettrica


The electric maintenance, control and periodic verifications such as:
  • electric boxes
  • light fittings
  • light switches
  • plugs and receptacles
  • control stations
  • junction boxes
  • connections grounding
  • electric motors
manutenzione strumentale

è svolta dal personale qualificato presso la nostra officina appositamente attrezzata o direttamente presso il Cliente mediante allestimento di laboratorio strumentale adatto alle esigenze del medesimo. Le verifiche/tarature della strumentazione sono corredate dai relativi certificati. I master dei certificati possono essere forniti dal ns ufficio tecnico (con le relative istruzioni operative) oppure sono acquisiti quelli predisposti dal Cliente.
Tutta la ns strumentazione campione è periodicamente calibrata e corredata da certificati rilasciati dai centri abilitati SIT in corso di validità. it is carried out by our skilled personnel in our equipped workshop or directly at the Customer’s through the building of an electrical laboratory .I Check/ examination is equipped by updates certificates. The master of the certificates can be furnished by our technical office (with the relative operational instructions) or by the Customer.